June 2023 Newsletter

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It's always exciting to be at The Center and see the impact of our collective efforts in Nakuwadde, but our most recent trip was special. AIA has experienced significant growth this year, and our visit at the end of May provided the perfect opportunity for Amber and me, our longest-tenured staff members, to bond with our new UG Team staff, align ourselves, and rejuvenate in preparation for tackling bigger goals in the second half of this year. We have numerous plans in store for our UG and US-based communities. We hope you'll join us on this journey, follow along, and invite a friend to witness where we've been and where we're headed next. Here's our last six months in 60 seconds!
In our last newsletter, we were preparing for our first medical outreach camp since 2019. With help from the AIA staff, local teachers, our students, donors, and global supporters, the camp returned with great success. We hosted our first camp of the year in time to ensure our students and community members are prepared to start the second term healthy and strong. Over 500 people received essential medical services. The growth of our medical camp is a prime example of the positive change an empowered community can create. Read more...
Aside from our medical outreach camp, the highlight of our visit, as always, was the students. In particular, seeing the many ways The Center enriches their lives throughout the academic term and even during our holiday breaks. The students engage in projects that help introduce them to new skills, hobbies, and inspirations. Everything from arts & crafts to zumba, yoga and tech education. Thanks to our network of supporters, The Center can offer experiences that excite students about learning and growing in their community year round.

This month's newsletter was organized by Ralph, our newest addition to the AIA team. Let's meet Ralph, our Communications and Development Associate! As AIA continues its journey, Ralph will play a crucial role in our team, dedicated to sharing our progress and ensuring that our global audience is with us every step of the way. Welcome to the team, Ralph! We are so glad you are here. 
Our Aspen High School students are eagerly preparing for their upcoming trip with Action in Africa! They'll spend 10 days with us in Uganda, where they will learn valuable lessons while contributing to the legacy of service Aspen has established in Uganda. As our students immerse themselves in the vibrant culture and actively engage with the community, they will witness firsthand the positive impact they can make. We invite you to follow their trip closely and join Nakuwadde on its inspiring journey towards building a stronger and beloved community.

The student volunteers will generously be bringing a duffle bag filled with supplies off of our Amazon Wishlist to contribute to The Center. Consider purchasing supplies from our Amazon Wishlist and the students will bring everything with them in July! Special thanks to Babs from Big Wrap for already shopping this list and going above and beyond.
Amazon Wishlist
Join our Scholarship Society! Pledging a small monthly donation will make a huge impact in Uganda.
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By supporting Action in Africa, you are helping us serve the children, women, and schools we work with in Uganda. Consider making a one-time or monthly tax-deductible contribution with the link below. Thank you!
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Meg McConnell

Graphic and web designer based in Colorado Springs, CO.


Photos from AIA Gratitude Dinner with Chinobay


2023 Medical Camp - Promoting Health and Happiness in Our Community!