Journey to University: Brian

Brian Kalema, a 26-year-old artist and Western dancer from Nakuwadde village, was born on November 24, 1999. He grew up in a financially disadvantaged family of four children, like many families in Uganda.

Brian is one of the few students who have been with Action in Africa (AIA) for the past ten years. He recently graduated on March 7, 2025, with a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Art and Graphic Design from Ndejje University.

His journey with AIA began in 2014, during his Primary Seven vacation. That year, he attended AIA’s music, dance, and drama concert, organized at Prime Gardens in Nakuwadde. His goal was to gain exposure and showcase his dance talent—if not to challenge AIA’s dancers with the moves he had mastered from watching the late Michael Jackson on television. Impressed by the performances, he felt inspired and decided to seek out AIA’s community center. After some time, he discovered The Center and began participating in its programs.

Little did he know that AIA offered more than just dance. He soon got involved in the art program, helping students with drawings, designing charts, and creating other art pieces. The Scholarship Program also motivated him to stay engaged with AIA, despite his part-time job at Maisha Resort, where he taught chess to kids—a job he still holds today. However, he remained committed to AIA’s cause because he saw the organization as a God-given opportunity for his academic future.

In 2016, Brian was awarded a Secondary Scholarship, transforming his life. His parents were relieved of the burden of school fees, scholastic materials, and lunch expenses. Reflecting on his past struggles, Brian shared how he often went to school on an empty stomach because his parents couldn’t afford daily meals. The hunger affected his concentration and academic performance. "I used to beg my classmates for food in primary school," he recalled. "But after securing a Secondary Scholarship, everything was covered by AIA, including lunch."

Additionally, Brian was among the fortunate students awarded a full University Scholarship, which included a monthly stipend and a laptop. Before joining university, he thought art was just about sketching. However, his perspective changed as he explored different aspects of art, such as using Adobe Premiere and Photoshop to design flyers, banners, brochures, and posters. He participated in numerous dance and art competitions, earning multiple certificates. Two years ago, he won one million Ugandan shillings ($273 USD) as the best artist in Wakiso District—a prize he used to purchase art materials for both his studies and his clients, supplementing the stipend he received from AIA.

Through dance, Brian built a strong network of friends and mentors, gained recognition, and developed leadership skills. He even served as the Entertainment Prefect at Central College. The scholarship also helped him grow personally. "I was very stubborn," he admitted. "I used to get into fights, escape from school, and perform poorly. But AIA shaped my behavior, and I had to change to keep my scholarship." Determined to break the family cycle of dropping out in Senior Four, like his older siblings, he worked hard to reach university—a goal he achieved with AIA’s support.


Today, Brian works with clients independently and volunteers with Valdans Media to gain experience in his field. He aspires to train more children in his community through dance and art, believing he is a living example of the impact AIA can have.

In his final remarks during the interview, Brian expressed his deep gratitude. He thanked Aunt Sarah for her unwavering support, the art projects she assigns him, and the friends she introduced him to—such as Katrina Nelson, who taught him photography skills. He also acknowledged the AIA staff for their constant support.

To the donors who work tirelessly to fund AIA’s projects, Brian had this to say: “We are so grateful. Through your support, I graduated with a bachelor's degree. I never dreamed of wearing a graduation cap. If this support continues, more vulnerable children in Nakuwadde will achieve their academic and future goals—just as Aunt Sarah envisions.”

He concluded with a heartfelt message: “Because of Action in Africa, our parents are proud of us now. I shall be part of AIA forever.”


Journey to University: Moses