The work we accomplish at Action in Africa would not be possible without our strong foundation of support. Our roots have helped us accomplish our dreams and grow to unimaginable depths over the last 10 years.
As a core member of the Action in Africa family, we ask that you join our newest endeavor: The Roots!
The Roots is a monthly recurring commitment (even as little as $5 a month!) that connects all of us as the foundation of Action in Africa. Each month, the money raised will support a different program at Action in Africa. This month we are raising money for AIA's University Scholarship Fund which is currently supporting 8 students.
Our goal is to get 500 members to join by the end of December! Together we will continue to nurture, grow, sustain and strengthen. Join today!
An anonymous donor will match all new monthly donors for the next year!
(up to $25,000)
Skipping a $5 Starbucks each month is $10 of support for AIA's work in Uganda!
$60 a year = 1,000 cups of porridge
$120 a year = 2,000 cups of porridge