4 Days Until AIA's Annual Winter Fundraiser ✨ 🌍 💻

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Hi There,

It's us again! We realize you've been hearing from us a lot lately - it's only because we don't want you to miss out on our biggest annual event. Even though it's virtual, this one is poised to be our best yet!

Let's talk about why this event is so important! Every year we gather together to celebrate the work Action In Africa does in Uganda. As a nonprofit, the work we do is contingent upon the generosity of people like you! We provide school tuition for hundreds of children. We have built an after-school program where parents can send their kids for a hot meal and engaging, educational classes. We employ a social worker who can help the most vulnerable and work as a safe harbor, a beacon of light for those struggling and in need. To keep all these programs thriving we need your help. And that is why we host this annual event.   

Do you have your tickets yet?! If not, it's very easy to register. Scroll down for a step-by-step guide.

  • In order to attend this event you must register in advance to receive your unique access code! 
  • Please note that you can order watch party bundles at any time. To guarantee arrival before the event please place your order on or before December 16th.
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Thank you for being part of our community, I can't wait to "see" you on the 19th! 

Sarah Nininger
Founder & Executive Director
Action In Africa
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Meg McConnell

Graphic and web designer based in Colorado Springs, CO.


WE DID IT! ❤️💫🌍


Silent Auction Is Live & How to Register ✨ 💻