AIA's Distance Learning Program🌍

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Action in Africa Friends and Family,

You might have learned about our Long Distance Learning campaign in last week's monthly newsletter, but it's so important we wanted to dedicate an entire email to telling you more about it.

We're fundraising to provide 600 kids in Nakuwadde with access to a long-distance learning program built around wellness and education. Through this campaign, our goal is to raise money for the distance learning solutions we have identified so that students don't fall behind in school. And it only costs $15 to keep one student in school for 3 whole months!

Give $15 Today

Uganda remains in a nationwide lockdown with only 2% of its population vaccinated. The President has decided that kids will not return to the classroom until teachers and students are vaccinated. That's a long way off and kids in Uganda have already been out of school for nearly two academic years, so we are working around the clock to make sure they can continue their studies while they're stuck at home. 

This distance learning program will include educational lessons and worksheets, mindfulness exercises, jump ropes, crayons, pens, pencils, masks, and other supplies to keep students safe and productive while Uganda remains in lockdown. Teachers will distribute the materials, provide feedback, and monitor students throughout the program.

Your involvement is essential to our success, and 3 generous families have made it possible to double your impact by matching all campaign gifts up to $10,000! Because of their generosity, when you contribute to this initiative, your gift - and your impact - will automatically be doubled!

We're already 21% of the way to our goal! However we still need to raise another $5,847 to unlock our matching gift! 
Give Today
Support 1 Student
Make A $15 Gift
Sponsor Wellness & Art Supplies
For 20 Students
Make A $100 Gift
Support 2 Students
Make A $30 Gift
Sponsor Educational Supplies 
For 40 Students
Make A $200 Gift
  • 600 students from our partner schools will be able to continue their studies.
  • Furloughed teachers will be able to earn an income and continue teaching their kids - safely.

  • Our life-changing programs can continue despite the unprecedented challenges COVID-19 has presented.

Can you help us keep our students learning? Every gift counts!

With gratitude,
Sarah Nininger and The Action in Africa Team 
By supporting Action in Africa, you are helping us serve the children, women, and schools we work with in Uganda. Consider making a one-time or monthly tax-deductible contribution with the link below.
Thank you!
Give Today
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Meg McConnell

Graphic and web designer based in Colorado Springs, CO.

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This Month At Action in Africa 🌍